How to Cure Indigestion Fast


Also known as dyspepsia, refers to a range of digestive symptoms that occur in the upper abdomen. It is a common condition and can have various causes. 

Symptoms of indigestion can vary from person to person, but some common ones include:

Abdominal Pain: A burning or gnawing pain in the upper abdomen is a hallmark symptom of indigestion.

Heartburn: This is a burning sensation that rises from the stomach or lower chest towards the throat, often accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

Bloating: Feeling full or bloated after eating, even when you haven't eaten much.

Nausea and Vomiting: Feeling nauseated or the urge to vomit may be present.

Feeling Full Quickly: You may feel full after eating only a small amount of food.

Belching and Gas: Frequent belching or passing gas.

Indigestion can have various causes, and it's often a result of a combination of factors. Common causes include:

Overeating: Consuming large meals or eating too quickly can overwhelm the stomach's capacity to digest food, leading to indigestion.

Spicy, Fatty, or Greasy Foods: These can irritate the stomach lining and lead to indigestion.

Acid Reflux: When stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, it can cause heartburn and contribute to indigestion.

Stress and Anxiety: Emotional stress and anxiety can affect the digestive process and lead to indigestion.

Smoking and Alcohol: Both smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can irritate the stomach lining and worsen indigestion.

Medications: Certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antibiotics, and some pain relievers, can cause indigestion as a side effect.

Underlying Medical Conditions: Conditions like gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcers, and gallstones can cause chronic indigestion.

Pregnancy: Hormonal changes and the pressure of a growing uterus on the stomach can lead to indigestion in pregnant women.

Food Intolerances: Some individuals may have difficulty digesting specific foods, such as lactose or gluten, leading to indigestion.

Infections: In rare cases, bacterial or viral infections in the digestive tract can cause indigestion.

How Can Manage & prevent indigestion:

Eat smaller, more frequent meals.

Avoid trigger foods (spicy, fatty, greasy, or acidic foods).

Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly.

Manage stress through relaxation techniques.

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol.

If you suspect medication is causing indigestion, consult your healthcare provider about alternatives.

Antacids may provide relief for indigestion.

If indigestion symptoms persist, become severe, or are accompanied by other concerning symptoms (such as unintended weight loss, difficulty swallowing, or black, tarry stools), it's essential to consult a healthcare professional, as these could be signs of a more serious underlying condition that requires medical evaluation and treatment


Nat. Phos-6x + Silicea-6x + Nat. Sulph-6x + Calc. Phos-6x + Mag. Phos-6x

This Biochemic compound is very effective for acidity and gas trouble. Quick action. Give with warm water.

Abies Nigra-30

With constriction of oesophagus.

Anacardium-30 – 200

Heartburn; pain and fullness in pit of the stomach 2 to 3 hours after eating; foul breath, bad taste in the mouth; hollow sinking feeling or “plug” sensation in belly.

Arg. Nit-30 – 200

Due to anticipation; taking sweets.

Ars. Alb-30 – 200

Eating vegetable, preserved foods; unquenchable thirst; burning sensation in the stomach or abdomen with restlessness.

Bryonia-30 – 200

vomited; better by lying quiet still on back; thoughts of business.

Carbo Veg-30

Accompanied with flatulence; better by passing flatus.

Colocynthis-30 – 200

After being angry; better by doubling up.

Gelsemium-30 – 200

While going somewhere or hearing any sudden news, etc. Due to apprehension.


Constrictive pain in pit of stomach about 2 hours after eating; constant desire to retch or swallow; saliva dribbles during sleep; eructations tasting of food or acid; feels nauseated and weak; trembling in the morning; much burning, griping and bloating.

Hep. Sulph-30

Burning, heaviness and pressure in the stomach pit, even after eating small meal; severe bloating; frequent belching; faintness in morning; bilious attacks; sticking pain in the Liver region.

Hydrastis-6 – 30

Constant pain in pit of stomach; as from a hard-cornered object; feels horribly ill; nothing tastes right. Vomits everything taken, tongue feels burnt; worse after breakfast and eating vegetables.

Ignatia-30 – 200

Due to nervousness; grief or disappointment.

Kali Bich-30

Heartburn and weight in stomach immediately after taking food with pain which spreads to back between shoulder-blades; may be small spot of soreness and tenderness below ribs on left side; better after eating food.

Nat. Mur-30 – 200

After taking coffee; excessive thirst and constipation.

Nux Vomica-30 – 200

From over eating; sedentary habits.

Pulsatilla-30 – 200

Much bloating, sensation as if “had eaten too much” or ‘a stone in the Stomach’, 1 to 2 hours after eating; food regurgitates; eructation’s tasting of food; raw, burning in the stomach; vomiting of food taken some hours before; worse in a warm room, eating warm and rich food; better temporarily from taking cold things.

Thuja-30 – 200

Indigestion from taking tea in excess.

Calc. Phos-6x + Silicea-12

Biochemic remedies for indigestion.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Sir
    Homoeopathic treatment without sides effects


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