Homoeopathic Treatment for Constipation and Fibre-Rich Diet


Constipation is a common digestive problem characterized by infrequent bowel movements, difficulty passing stools, and often hard or dry stools. It can be caused by various factors, including dietary choices, lack of physical activity, dehydration, medication side effects, and certain medical conditions.

  • Symptoms:

  • Infrequent bowel movements: One of the primary signs of constipation is having fewer than three bowel movements per week.
  • Straining: You may need to strain to have a bowel movement, which can be uncomfortable and painful.
  • Hard stools: Constipated individuals often pass stools that are hard, dry, and difficult to expel.
  • Feeling of incomplete evacuation: You might feel like you haven't completely emptied your bowels after a bowel movement.
  • Abdominal discomfort or bloating: Constipation can lead to a feeling of fullness, discomfort, or bloating in the abdomen.
  • Rectal bleeding: In some cases, constipation can cause small tears in the anal tissue, leading to bleeding during bowel movements.

To alleviate constipation and promote regular bowel movements, it's essential to make dietary and lifestyle changes. A fiber-rich diet can be particularly helpful. Here are some dietary tips to relieve constipation:

1.    Soluble Fiber: Soluble fiber found in foods like oats, beans, and fruits, absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance that softens stools. Insoluble fiber, found in whole grains and vegetables, adds bulk to stools, aiding their passage through the digestive tract. Aim to consume at least 25-30 grams of fiber daily.

2.    Drink Plenty of Water: Fiber works best when it absorbs water, so it's crucial to stay hydrated. Aim for about 8-10 glasses of water per day.

3.    Fruits and Vegetables: Incorporate a variety of fruits (e.g., apples, pears, prunes) and vegetables (e.g., broccoli, spinach, carrots) into your diet. These foods are rich in fiber and can help soften stools.

4.    Pick Whole Grains: Pick whole grains instead of refined grains for better health. Whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, and oats are excellent sources of fiber.

5.    Legumes: Include beans, lentils, and chickpeas in your meals. They are high in fiber and can aid digestion.

6.    Nuts and Seeds: Snack on nuts and seeds like almonds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds, which are rich in fiber.

7.    Probiotic Foods: Yogurt with probiotics can help regulate your gut microbiome, potentially improving digestion.

8.    Limit Processed Foods: Reduce your intake of processed foods, which are often low in fiber and high in unhealthy fats.

9.    Regular Exercise: Physical activity can stimulate bowel movements and help prevent constipation.

10. Establish a Routine: Try to have your meals and bowel movements at the same time each day. Consistency can signal to your body when it's time for a bowel movement. 

If you continue to experience constipation despite dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments, or if you develop severe symptoms like persistent abdominal pain, blood in stools, or unintended weight loss, it's important to consult a healthcare professional.

Homoeopathic Treatment Tips

Sugar of Milk

For adults, 3 teaspoonful’s in half cup of hot Milk or hot water will move the bowels in two hours.

Opium-200 + Bryonia-200 + Plumbum-200 + Silicea-200 + Nat. Sulf-200 + Nat Mur-200 + Alumina-200 + Mag Mur-200 + Nux Vomica-200.

Habitual and chronic constipation.

Chelidonium-Q + Ceanothus-Q + Cardus-Q + Hydrastis-Q

Habitual and chronic constipation.

1.       Mag. Mur-30 (BD)

2.       Cascara Sag-Q (10 drops BD).

For Constipation.

1.       Tabacum-30 (TDS)

2.       Bacillinum-200 (Weekly)

Long Lasting Constipation.

Bryonia-30 + Phosphorus-30 + Nux Vomica-30

Constipation due to dryness of the intestines.

Nat. Sulph-6x + Nat. Mur-6x + Calc. Flour-6x.

A Biochemic combination of Constipation.

Mag. Phos-6

Nux Vomica-3x

For chronic constipation.

Dose: - 1. 5 drops of Mag. Phos-6 in one tablespoon of Liquid Paraffin and morning and afternoon.

2. Nux Vomica-3x at noon and night.

Nat. Mur-6x + Nat. Sulph-6x + Kali Mur-6x

For constipation.

Dose: - Mix all in equal quantities.

            Give 5 grains in a cup of hot water 3 times a day.

1.       Anacardium-6 – 200.

2.       Collinsonia-Q (5 – 10 drops for a dose)

Constipation; Bowels inactive, ineffectual desire. Rectum seems powerless, as if plugged up. Even soft stool passes with difficulty.

Silicea-200 + Nat. Sulph-200 + Nat. Mur-200


Dose: Mix one drop of each in two ounces of water. Give one tablespoonful every 3 hours 4 times a day.

Chelidonium-Q (5 drops) + Euonymus Europaea-6 + Podophylum-6 + Ipecac-6 + Merc. Dulcis-6 (1 drop of each)

Habitual constipation (Laxative).

Dose: Mix all in one ounce of water for a dose and give 4 hourly.

Alumina-30 + Opium-30 + Plumbum Met-30 + Hydrastis-30


Aesculus-30 + Collinsonia-30 + Plumbum Met-30

Constipation from inertia and dryness of intestines.

Asafoetida-30 + Graphites-30 + Platinum-30

Constipation in Women.

Ammonium Mur-30 + Mag. Mur-30 + Nat. Mur-30

Constipation – Stool dry.

1.       Alumina-30 +

      Nux Vomica-30.

2.       Plumbum Met-30 + Graphites-30

Constipation – Stool dry, ball or dung-like.

Opium-30 + Plumbum Met-30 + Selenium-30 + Silicea-30

Constipation – Stool dry, must be mechanically removed.

Nux Vomica-30 + Planitnum-30 + Nat. Mur-30

Constipation – Frequent, uneffectual urging.

Alumina-30 + Bryonia-30 + Opium-30

Constipation – No desire or urging for stool.

Platinum-30 + Anacardium-30 + Chelidonium-30

Constipation – Soft stool even passed with difficulty.

Aloes-30 + Calc. Flour-30 + Nux Vomica-30

Constipation with piles.

Aesculus-30 – 200 + Ignatia-30 – 200 + Podophylum-30 – 200

Constipation with Anal Prolapse.

Aesculus-30 – 200 + Ignatia-30 – 200 + Acit Nit-30 – 200

Constipation – Rectal pain persistent.

Aesculus Hip-Q, 3x, 6 or 30.

Chronic constipation. Pain in back. Walking almost impossible, scarcely able to rise or walk after sitting.

NOTE: - Sulphur, Petroleum and Agaricus are also useful remedies).


Constipation – Hard stools due to dryness and no-peristaltic action of the intestinal tract. Desire for dry foods.

Ant. Crud-30

Constipation and diarrhoea alternately.


Bryonia-30 – 200

Constipation – Stools hard; dry as if burnt, seems too large. No desire to pass stools; thirst increased, drinks large quantity of water at a time at long intervals. Absolutely no desire and stool were dry and hard as if burnt.

Calc. Carb-200

Constipation – Feels better normal when constipated; fat, flabby and chilly patients.

Cascara Sag-Q

Tonic for proper bowel movements.

Causticum-30 – 200

Constipation – Patient can pass stools only in standing position.

Coca-Q (10 drops in luke warm water).

Chronic constipation; much flatus, distension of abdomen.

Hydrastis-Q – 6

Constipation with sinking feeling in stomach; tongue flabby, white and slimy.

Nux Vomica-30 – 200

Constipation due to fats, sedentary life; ineffectual urging, passing stools many times in a day.


Constipation, stool hard and accumulated in the rectum.

Silicea-12x – 30 – 200

Constipation in chilly patient who lacks of vital energy; Constipation from inability of rectum to expel the feces stools slip back into the rectum when partially expelled. The rectum becomes impacted.


Constipation very obstinate.

NOTE: - Also can be given Canth; Camph; Acid Flour; Lach; Phos; and Platina.

Bio-combination No.4

Biochemic remedy for constipation.

Other useful Remedies -

Selenium, Sulphur, Graphites, Opium, Mag. Carb.


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