Intestinal Worms Treatment Tips With Homoeopathic Medicines

Intestinal Worms, Most Common Types, Symptoms, Causess, Prevent Intestinal Worm Infections & Homoeopathic Treatment Tips

Intestinal worms, often referred to as parasitic worms and are a group of organisms that can infect the human gastrointestinal tract. These infections can be uncomfortable and even dangerous if left untreated. In this article, we'll explore the most common types of intestinal worms, their symptoms, and how to prevent and treat these infections with Homoeopathy (Homoeopathic Medicine’s).

1. Roundworms (Nematodes)

Symptoms: Roundworm infections can cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting. In severe cases, you may notice worms in your stool.

Transmission: Contaminated food, water, or soil can carry roundworm eggs or larvae, which are then ingested.

2. Tapeworms (Cestodes)

Symptoms: Tapeworm infections may lead to abdominal discomfort, weight loss, and nausea. In some cases, segments of the tapeworm may be visible in your stool.

Transmission: Consuming undercooked or raw contaminated meat or fish is a common way to contract tapeworms.

3. Hookworms

Symptoms: Hookworm infections can cause anaemia, fatigue, abdominal pain, and skin rashes (due to larval penetration through the skin).

Transmission: Hookworm larvae typically enter the body through contact with contaminated soil, often in tropical and subtropical regions.

4. Whipworms (Trichuris)

Symptoms: Whipworm infections can result in abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and rectal bleeding.

Transmission: These worms are typically transmitted by ingesting soil or water contaminated with whipworm eggs.

5. Pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis)

Symptoms: Pinworm infections are often associated with itching around the anal area, especially at night.

Transmission: The eggs of pinworms are easily spread through person-to-person contact or contaminated bedding and clothing.

6. Threadworms (Strongyloides)

Symptoms: Threadworm infections can cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and skin rashes.

Transmission: Contact with contaminated soil is the primary mode of transmission for threadworms.

Preventing Intestinal Worm Infections

Practice good hygiene:

Regular hand washing with soap and clean water can reduce the risk of infection.

Avoid consuming contaminated water:

Drink clean, safe water from trusted sources.

Teach children good hygiene:

Encourage proper hand washing and discourage behaviour’s like nail-biting.

Deworm pets:

Regularly deworming your pets can help prevent transmission of certain types of worms.


Ferr. Phos-6x (for inflammation) + Kali Mur-6x (as Germicidal) + Nat. Phos-6x (To neutralize the acid in which these worms thrive)

Worms Guinea.

Dose: - Mix in equal quantities and give 5 grains 4 times a day.

NOTE: - Guinea Worm is a thread or wire like parasite finding its way in the muscles of human being. It is very troublesome disease picked up by a person in the places where potable water supply is not available. The patients are not in position to give any worthwhile symptoms.

Merc. Vivus-6x + Santoninum-3x + Stannum Met-6x

Worms. Hungry soon after eating with gnawing, digging sensation, pain in Epigastrium in morning and before meals. Pale face, dark rings around eyes.

Dose: - Mix in equal quantities and give 5 drops in some good potable water, preferable in distilled water 3 times a day.

Merc. Dulsus-1x + Santoninum1x

Pin, round worms in children with attendant conditions.

Dose: - Mix together and give 2 – 5 drops in some water 4 times a day.

Santoninum-3x + Cina-6x + Silicea-6x + Indigo-3x + Nat. Phos-3x

Round, tape or threat worms.

Dose: - Mix all in equal quantities and give 5 grains after each meal. To be continued 3 to 4 days. Repeat after a weak if necessary.

Cina-30 + Santoninum-30 + Teucrium-30

Worms Intestinal – Ascaris lumbricoides.

Cina-30 + Merc. Sol-30 + Santonium-30

Worms Intestinal – Oxyuris vermicularis (Thread worms).

Filix Mas-6x – 30 + Granatum-6x – 30 + Merc. Sol-6x – 30

Worms Intestinal – Taenia (Tapeworms).


For Ascarides.


For tape worms; with morbid hunger.


When worms travel over the perineum and get into the Vagina and excite for masturbation.

Chelone Glabra-Q

Round and thread worms.

Chenopodium-Q – 6

For hook worms.


Head remedy; to start the treatment. (3 doses on 1st days)

From 2nd day – Santonine-3x and Nat. Phos-6x twice each for one week or more as required.

Cuprum Oxydatum    Nigrum-1x

It removes all kinds of worms even tapeworm.

Embelia Ribes-Q – 30

Grinding of teeth; distension of abdomen with pain; worse after meal; itching around the anus; nocturnal enuresis; desire for sweets.


Worm’s symptoms, especially with constipation, tape worms.

NOTE: - Calc. Phos and Silicea are also useful.

Sulphur-200 – 1M

Intercurrent remedy.

Teucrium M. V.-30

For pin worms.

Nat. Phos-6x + Kali Mur-6x

Biochemic remedies for worms.

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